Osprey are a common bird in Yellowstone and mountainous areas of western Montana. Explore.org in cooperation with the Owl Research Insitute features a Web Cam of a pair of osprey nesting in the Mission Valley in western Montana.
Watch Web Cam of Osprey at Nest:
About Osprey*:
- Slightly smaller than the bald eagle.
- Mostly white belly, white head with dark streak through eye.
- Narrow wings, dark patch at bend.
- Fledglings have light edges to each dark feather on their backs and upper wing surfaces, which gives them a speckled appearance.
Habitat in western Montana
- Eat fish for food.
- Usually live near lakes, river valleys, and river canyons. Osprey are common in Yellowstone region.
Behavior in western Montana
- Return to western Montana in April and leave in September.
- Build nests, using sticks, in large trees or on high points near water.
- Lay 2–3 eggs in May to June.
- Eggs hatch in 4–5 weeks.
*Source National Park Service
Absaroka Mountain, Mont.
© 2022 John Sandy